VitalSleep Review: Does Vital Sleep Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece Work, Comparisons, Buyers Guide | Ask The Experts |

2022-08-19 23:21:11 By : Ms. Echo Huang

Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low 62F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..

Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low 62F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.

If you have been researching which anti snoring device would be best for you or your partner, VitalSleep should be high on your radar. This VitalSleep review will list how it works, pros and cons, any side effects or design faults and how it compares to other anti snoring mouthpieces.

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VitalSleep is an oral device that controls snoring. You put it into your mouth before going to sleep. Once in place, it extends the lower jaw slightly. This pulls the tongue forward opening up the airway at the back of the throat.

By changing the tongue position in this way, VitalSleep reduces the air turbulence that causes people to snore.

Although there are many similar anti-snoring devices, VitalSleep is easily one of the best on the market. In this review, we explain why this is so.

However, although VitalSleep is a viable option for many people who snore, it is not suitable for everyone. This review provides all the VitalSleep pros and cons. By the time you have finished reading it, you will have the information you need to decide if the VitalSleep snoring device is right for you.

However, before we begin with our VitalSleep anti snoring device introduction, it may be helpful if we explain why people snore. Once you are familiar with the problem, it will become easier to understand why VitalSleep works as well as it does.

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"If you or your partner snore it can disrupt your sleep severely and interfere with your health, wealth and happiness."

Although many factors, such as obesity and alcohol abuse, can influence snoring, the cause for all that noise is always the same.

Sleep involves a state of deep relaxation. All the muscles in the body relax, including the ones beneath the soft tissue at the back of the throat. When the throat muscles relax, it causes the soft flesh that covers them to sag.

In this condition, the flesh is more susceptible to air turbulence, which can cause it to vibrate and produce the rasping sound we call snoring.

The tongue also relaxes during sleep and may drop backward and partially obscure the airway. When this happens, it increases air turbulence and snoring.

In some cases, the tongue may completely block the airway causing breathing to stop. This type of pause in respiration is known as an apnea. VitalSleep has the potential to prevent this from happening too.

VitalSleep is a mandibular advancement device (MAD). This type of anti-snoring device is very popular. It's a tested technology that's been in use for a long time.

Early MADs were only available via a dentist. Obtaining a dental MAD is still an option but it's an expensive route to go. If you pay $1000 for a dental mouth guard you are getting it cheap. That's a hefty price ticket and it's possible to pay an awful lot more.

MADs attach to the upper and lower teeth. During the early setup stage, the dentist will adjust the device so that it pulls the lower jaw forward and forces it to maintain that position during sleep.

These days, it's also possible to buy DIY options that you set up at home. Many of them utilize a system known as boil and bite.

Boil and bite products have thermoplastic inlays in the upper and lower trays. It's possible to soften the plastic by immersing the device in hot water. Then, when the plastic becomes soft, you place the oral appliance inside your mouth and bite into it until your teeth are embedded in the plastic.

As the plastic cools down, it molds to the teeth to provide a perfect fit.

However, to obtain the necessary advancement of the lower jaw, you need to hold your jaw forward during the boil and bite stage.

Many MADs are totally reliant on the boil and bite process. VitalSleep is not. It has an additional adjustment feature.

Instead of relying on the boil and bite alone, the VitalSleep snoring device has a unique mechanism that moves the lower tray forward 1 mm at a time. For this reason, there is no need to extend the jaw during the boil and bite stage.

The "Accu-Adjust System" utilizes an internal threaded screw. Adjustment is made using a special tool that comes with the device.

One of the advantages of this system is you can gradually increase the level of jaw advancement over several weeks instead of aiming for maximum advancement from day one.

Depending on the level of obstruction at the back of the throat, 1-2mm may be enough to solve the problem.

However, some people may need to use the maximum setting of 8mm. Where this is the case, the Accu-Adjust System can reduce the risk of discomfort or jaw pain by advancing the jaw over several weeks, 1mm at a time.

Another good thing about VitalSleep is the device has an air vent at the front. A lot of alternative options do not.

Having a vent is highly desirable because even people suffering from nasal obstructions or congestion will be able to use VitalSleep. It's also an ideal snoring device for anyone who simply prefers to breathe through the mouth.

VitalSleep mouthpieces come in two sizes. The standard size is most suitable for men.

The smaller size is better suited to women and, of course, to men who have smaller than normal-size mouths.

The VitalSleep brand is owned by The Snore Reliever Company, LLC. It's a respected US company based in Florida.

The Snore Reliever Company has over a decade of experience in providing relief from snoring. It backs VitalSleep with a 1-year warranty and provides an excellent level of customer support via email, online form, online chat, and telephone.

The telephone helpline is open seven days a week (9am-7pm EST)

In addition to the warranty, which makes it possible to obtain free replacements (if necessary) for a full year, The Snore Relief Company also offers new customers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Made from high-quality materials that are certified for medical use

Allows you to sleep in any position

Vented to support mouth breathing

Easy to fit and comfortable to wear

Adjustable jaw advancement (up to 8mm)

Moldable via boil and bite

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Mandibular advancement devices are very popular. Lots of people use them and can confirm their ability to control snoring. More importantly, the value of mandibular advancement is proven by science.

However, although the technique is sound, some MADs work better than other ones do. Poor-quality options often have rough edges that can irritate the tongue and delicate skin inside the mouth.

Poorly-designed MADs may also fall out of the mouth during sleep. When a MAD is not inside your mouth and securely fixed to your teeth, it cannot do its job. If you buy a MAD like that, you are wasting your money.

Nevertheless, MADs are proven anti-snoring technology. Research shows that, in addition to controlling snoring, they can also be good for controlling Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea.

OSA is a medical condition that causes respiration to stop during sleep. These pauses, which can last up to 30 seconds, happen when the tongue relaxes, causing a blockage at the back of the throat.

At this point, the affected individual normally roused from sleep and normal respiration is restored. It's not unusual for people with OSA to have up to 400 apneas per night. [1]

Unfortunately, there is always a danger of choking to death during sleep. Sleep apneas also have the potential to cause many other serious issues including cardiovascular problems.

The best way to control OSA is by using a CPAP machine. These utilize a pump that pressurizes the airway via tubing that links the machine to a facemask.

Although CPAP is considered to be the gold-standard OSA treatment, it's not suitable for everyone. Research published in the Journal of Pharmacy & BioAllied Sciences suggests MADs are the best alternative and also highlights their ability to control snoring. [2]

The VitalSleep device is a durable, high-quality anti-snoring mouthpiece. A new take on proven technology, it's an excellent choice for many snorers.

However, as with all MADs, to advance the lower jaw, VitalSleep requires strong anchoring points. It isn't a suitable option for people who suffer from gum disease or have dental crowns at the front of their mouths. If you have loose teeth you may find the Vitalsleep mouthpiece problematic to wear

For obvious reasons, the Vital Sleep appliance is equally unsuitable for people who wear braces, use night retainers, or wear dentures.

Some people who are new to this type of snoring device find their mouth guard can cause them to wake up with jaw soreness. Headaches are also quite common. However, these problems usually only occur during the early stages of use. Once the jaw adjusts to the new temporary positioning everything is generally fine.

However, if you have had problems like this with alternative options, don't let that put you off. Thanks to the unique adjustment mechanism, VitalSleep can help you to avoid such early discomfort.

Unfortunately, as with all MADs VitalSleep may cause drooling. That's not ideal but it's a small price to pay for a good night's sleep.

In addition to helping you to sleep better and wake up more refreshed, VitalSleep can remove the strain from your relationship by helping your partner to sleep better too.

There are several anti snoring devices available in the USA and Canada that do a very similar job of snoring prevention. The ZQuiet mouthpiece is very similar to VitalSleep. To see how ZQuiet compares to VitalSleep and other snoring devices we have reviewed the best anti snoring mouthpieces and ranked them accordingly.

VitalSleep customer reviews are excellent. In addition to praising the snoring device, many customers speak about the high levels of customer service. Here are a few we picked at random:

"I love my Vitalsleep! It definitely cuts down on my snoring. I went from a freight train to a very low noise and a better night's sleep. My girlfriend, thank you! I hated her having to wake up and go to sleep on the couch because she couldn't go back to sleep due to my snoring. This has been a game changer. Also, when I had to ask for a replacement because I messed one up, they sent me one quickly and without question. I take it everywhere I go overnight. It's comfortable and easy to use."

"All the other anti snoring devices I tried were too big for my mouth but the small size Vital Sleep fits perfectly. It's very comfortable and does not fall out. On top of that, my boyfriend is super happy because I'm no longer keeping him awake at night and he can sleep peacefully."

"Dealing with this company has been a great experience from start to finish. It's very prompt to answer questions and has a product that actually works."

"My Vitalsleep mouthpiece worked right from the first night. It took a few nights to get used to it but that's normal so I have no complaints. My snoring has finally been eliminated so there are no longer any midnight quarrels with my wife and we get good sleep.

"Best purchase of my life. On the first night and every other night, I've been enjoying restful sleep. Before Vitalsleep, I spent 12 years sleeping on the couch. It's great to finally be back in the bedroom again."

VitalSleep is only available from the official website. However, due to the phenomenal success of the product, cheap copycat versions sometimes pop up on other sites. These should be avoided at all costs. They are fake and do not work the same.

As far as the price goes, there's nothing to complain about. At only $69.95 (price correct at the time of this review) VitalSleep is surprisingly cheap. Especially for such a high-quality anti-snoring device.

You can also rest assured the price you originally see will be the price you pay. The Snore Reliever Company does not add any last-minute fees for shipping or handling.

When you place your order, you will need to choose the appropriate size. The "men's size" generally works best for most men, while the 10% smaller "women's size'' is the best option for most women. No big surprise there.

However, the surprising thing is that, if the size you select does not fit, the manufacturer will send you a free replacement in the bigger or smaller size. Many VitalSleep customers confirm this in their VitalSleep reviews.

Like all the best anti-snoring brands, VitalSleep mouthpieces have a money-back guarantee. It lasts for 60 days. That's plenty long enough to try the device and see what it can do.

VitalSleep also has a 100-day warranty. So, if problems do arise, it's easy to get a free replacement. However, easily one of the most durable snoring products on the market, VitalSleep often provides up to two years of trouble-free nightly use.

It's also worth being aware that VitalSleep is shipped with several complimentary items. When you place your first order, you will also receive:

Comes in a choice of two sizes

Boil and bite setup for a snug fit

Unique fine-tuning adjustment via Accu-Adjust

Works from the first night

Complimentary items are included with every order

Can last for up to 2 years

Only available from the VitalSleep website

Although it will not be a good option for snorers who have weak teeth or dental issues, Vital Sleep mouth guard is an excellent anti snoring mouthpiece for most people who snore.

There are a lot of things that impress us about this product. Reviews from VitalSleep users show the device has impressed a lot of other people too.

Although there are plenty of other boil and bite mouth guards on the market, only a minority of them offer the option of incremental adjustment and fine-tuning. Even the options that have this facility are seldom so easy and efficient to use.

The fact that VitalSleep is available in two sizes is also a strong bonus. Many women have mouths that are slightly smaller than the mouths of men. That's not to say there are no women who have mouths that are larger than average, or that there are no men whose mouths are unusually small. Many things boil down to personal genetics and DNA.

Regardless of gender, mouth size can vary so it's great that VitalSleep comes in a choice of sizes. It's also good to see the manufacturer does not charge for a replacement when customers order the wrong size.

These days, it's rare to encounter companies that maintain such a strong focus on providing customer satisfaction. The fact that so many past VitalSleep customers are so praising the level of after-sales service is another good reason for people to choose to solve their snoring with the VitalSleep adjustable oral appliance. As is the lengthy warranty and money-back guarantee.

1. Sleep Apnea:

2. Mandibular Advancement Device for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Overview:

No. Anyone can buy this snoring device and set it up in the comfort of their own home.

No. It's a lot easier to set up than basic boil and bit MADs because you can adjust the level of jaw advancement via the built-in adjuster instead of just pushing your jaw forward, during the boil and bite, and hoping you got the position right.

As with any MAD, some customers may experience a little discomfort during the early days of use. However, you can limit or avoid this by beginning with a 1mm jaw advancement and then gradually increasing the setting over several weeks.

There is also a possibility of drooling during the night. Again, this is something that's common to MADs in general, regardless of the brand.

The best way to clean the device is with a toothbrush and water, You could also use your normal toothpaste. However, the VitalSleep snoring device is shipped with a bamboo toothbrush and some cleaner so it may be an idea to use those instead.

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